Ten Tips for Writing or Improving Your CV

The presentation and content of your CV is usually the biggest determinant as to whether you even get as far as the job interview! Your CV needs to efficiently and professionally present your skills and attributes in the appropriate language and formatting. Ten Top CV Writing Tips 1. Do Your Research- research the positions you are seeking on job boards and pick out the most relevant, sought after requirements. 2. Break Text Up- large chunks of text are off-putting and unwieldy for recruiters. 3. Have a Powerful Profile- ensure your profile is prominently at the top with a short and sharp summarisation of your most valuable skills. 4. Utilise the Core Skills Section- be sure to list your top qualifications, skills or knowledge in bullet points. 5. Use a Professional... Read More »

2020 Public Sector Pay Rise

This year has proven to be a very difficult year for many with the onset of a pandemic, especially affecting the Public Sector. In light of this, the HM Treasury tributes this year’s pay rise to the ‘enormous effort’ made by the public sector staff during the coronavirus outbreak. Nearly 900,000 public sector workers including teachers, military, doctors, police and prison officers will see a pay increase of up to 3.1%. • School teachers will be seeing the largest salary increase of 3.1% • Doctors and dentists will see a 2.8% increase • Police and prison officers will be getting 2.5% pay increase • Armed forces personnel, senior military, senior civil servants and members of the Judiciary will be receiving a 2% pay rise The pay awards to the armed... Read More »

Necessary Qualifications for Nursing Positions

The average person has a tendency to label ‘nursing’ as a singular, ubiquitous job when the reality is quite different. There is a wide range of nursing positions each requiring varying types and levels of expertise. The nursing skills required to treat in an emergency ward differ quite a bit from a nursing position in a childcare facility, for instance. Senior positions, of course, require a blend of high-level nursing qualifications and experience and training in management skills. Nursing is actually a highly specialised field, that focuses on one of four areas of care: adults, children, learning disability and mental health. During the early portions of studying to become a nurse, your degree will touch upon all four areas before you will be required to specialise in one of them, which... Read More »

Main Advantages of Working in the Public Sector

The public sector, despite recent government cutbacks, remains a very large entity with tremendous amounts of employment opportunities. If you’re currently looking for a job, you may be wondering about what sets jobs in the public sector apart from those in private enterprises, and whether or not it is worth choosing one over the other. The truth to this question is that it is a bit of a mixed bag, but it is certainly not without clear advantages: Public sector work is typically characterised by high levels of jobs security. In almost all cases for the last 50 years, working in government employment guarantees a higher level of job security than most private sector jobs. This is because public sector organisations are generally insulated from the topsy-turvy nature of entrepreneurship.... Read More »

How to Conduct Yourself in an Interview

Many people are intimidated by the formal nature of an interview, and all of their social tools suddenly become irrelevant. A big part of this is due to a lack of familiarity with how to conduct yourself in an interview and in a professional setting. Most people acquire this knowledge over their professional life, but for new entrants to the employment market, it can be tricky. For those new entrants, an important part of having a productive interview is learning how to conduct yourself in an interview. This covers a wide range of aspects, such as personal appearance, the language used, and how proficiently you demonstrate your grasp of relevant facts. For your personal appearance, most interviewers will hold some basic expectations of how you should present yourself. It is... Read More »